Čeština English

At present, you will find here 21269 photos from these authors:
Petr Šaj |  Tomáš Pospíšil |  Dušan Boucný |  Luděk Boucný |  Tomáš Bělka |  Zdeněk Tunka | 


Welcome to the website of six individual photographers who share the same interests - photography and ornitology.

The website is run by www.birdphoto.cz a www.birdphoto.eu.

As it is apparent from the title of the website the majority of the pictures is of various kinds of birds. However, to diversify the site we have also included pictures of other animal species and nature.

What you can find here:
pictures of birds
pictures of mammals
pictures of other animal species
pictures of landscape
pictures of nature

The aim of this website is:
- to gradually create a large database of bird species
- to enable viewers to look up desired species intuitively
- to present bird species in a way not always available in encyclopaedias
- to popularize ornitology
- to present nature photography
- to present our own achievements
- to offer pictures for commercial and non-commercial use - photobank

If you have any comments or if you want to give us your opinion please contact us on
You can also contact individual photographers.

How to get the access to the pictures?
If you wish to purchase, use or publish any of these pictures please contact the authors directly on the e-mail addresses:

Petr Šaj - petrsaj@seznam.cz
Tomáš Pospíšil - pospisil.toman@seznam.cz
Dušan Boucný - boucny@centrum.cz
Luděk Boucný - boucnyludek@quick.cz
Tomáš Bělka - tomas.belka@tiscali.cz
Zdeněk Tunka - z.tunka@centrum.cz

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